If so, what was your address?
Church and Ministry Information
Please list here the names of two individuals for references who know or may know your strengths and weaknesses. While we recognize that it may be a concern to list individuals who may indicate your weaknesses on this application, please know that these will be used to allow us to determine the best possible fit for you as a volunteer. Please do not list family members on this Application as references.
I give my permission for Cornerstone Community Ministries staff to contact my pastor and the above two references regarding the possibility of volunteering/mentoring at Cornerstone Youth Center prior to my being accepted as a volunteer.
The information contained in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge. I authorize any references or churches listed in this application to give you any information (including opinions) that they may have regarding my character and fitness for youth volunteering/mentoring work. In consideration of the receipt and evaluation of this application by Cornerstone Youth Center, I hereby release Cornerstone Youth Center from any and all liability for damages of any kind as a result of any and all information that I provide in response to the questions on this Application. I waive any right that I may have to inspect any information provided about me from this application.
Should my application be accepted, I agree to be bound by the mission, vision and core values of Cornerstone Youth Center. I further assent that I understand and agree with all of the articles in Cornerstone Youth Center’s Statement of Faith and will strive to live my life in accordance with the same, to the best of my ability.
I further state that I have carefully read the foregoing release and know the contents thereof and I sign this release as my own free act.
To provide a safe and fun environment where youth can form trusting relationships, respond to the Gospel, and find wholeness in life through Christ.
To continue the work of Jesus Christ by meeting the spiritual, physical, and emotional needs of youth in partnership with local churches and the community.
Core Values
Agape Love – We will demonstrate the sacrificial love of Jesus by extending respect, good will, empathy, and forgiveness to all.
Community – We will provide an environment where youth are encouraged to build healthy relationships with their peers, family, and community.
Truth – We are committed to sharing the truth of the Gospel with youth, to help them realize their identity and purpose in Christ and experience the transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
Servant Leadership – We will strive to model Christ’s example of sacrificial leadership and mentor the youth to live lives of integrity, consistency, stability, discipline, and stewardship.
Statement of Faith
1. We believe there is one God, eternally existing in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
2. We believe the Bible to be the infallible Word of God.
3. We believe Jesus Christ is true God and true man. We believe in His virgin birth, His sinless life, miracles, His death as a substitute for man’s death, His bodily resurrection and ascension to the Father, His intercessory work for believers and in His personal return in power and glory.
4. We believe God created man and woman, and that He loves us. We fell from relationship with God through disobedience and we are in desperate need of Salvation through faith in Jesus. Those who believe receive forgiveness and eternal life. Those who do not believe are lost to eternity in Hell.
5. We believe in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit who indwells believers in Christ and empowers them to live a Godly life and to testify of the Gospel with courage and confidence.
6. We believe in the spiritual unity of believers in our Lord Jesus Christ, a unity that is displayed through many congregations and that are members of one Body of Christ.
7. We believe that all humankind is sinful, but through accepting the grace offered by Christ and repenting of our sins, we can experience eternal life. We believe that those who engage in a lifestyle of unrepentant sinful behavior are not representing Christ and His desires for our lives.
Volunteer Job Description
Purpose: To build trusting relationships with youth, who will become responsible adults equipped and empowered with life skills, a living faith, dignity, and a sense of belonging.
Supervisor: The Volunteer is responsible to the Coordinator of Youth and Family Ministry.
Be a growing disciple of Jesus Christ, with a teachable attitude and a servant’s heart. Demonstration of this must include active participation in a local congregation or Christian fellowship.
- Demonstrates a willingness to approach youth with a non-judgmental attitude.
- Has a conviction that each youth is worth knowing and helping (socially, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually), regardless of the youth’s willingness to change.
- Demonstrates an ability to work as part of a team, and be willing to serve under the leadership of other volunteers that have been placed in authority.
- Submits all necessary clearances and waivers as outlined in Cornerstone’s “Child Abuse Policy”.